Our Everlasting Father

photo by Gary J. Toth

My dad died when I was 2 years old. Mother became a single mom with no high school diploma and with 4 children under the age of 9. Mother panicked and quickly remarried. I’ve been told that Mother sat all 4 of us down and told us that she loved our daddy, but was going to marry this man so he could help her. Soon after they married my stepfather had his first coronary heart attack and became disabled. Mother now had 4 children plus a disabled husband to take care of and provide for. I was 16 years old when my stepfather died from a heart attack. As a young girl growing up I experienced a father’s love that came and went. I felt love was conditional and temporary. I don’t know your present situation or what you’ve experienced in the past. But my encouragement is that we are not fatherless. Instead, we have an Everlasting Father whose love is unconditional and forever. Father God is not going to leave you or me. God is my Everlasting Father and He’s yours too!

And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:8


photo by Gary J. Toth

My husband named this post. He said the squirrel’s expression reminded him of how he felt when the Lord called him to use a potter’s wheel and a lump of clay to tell people about God’s grace and transforming power. He had never before worked with clay. His immediate response was, “I can’t. Surely not me!” But after a lot of prayer and encouragement he answered God’s call and asked me to come along side of him and help. In 1997 this outreach ministry called the Potter’s Message began and still continues today. In 2013 my husband had a brain bleed that caused a massive stroke that affected the right side of his body. He was right handed, but now he uses his left hand for everything. God has enabled him to make a vessel on the potter’s wheel using only one hand! Is God asking you to do something way out of your comfort zone? Maybe you’re feeling you can’t and that someone else could do better. My hope is to assure you that these words are true… Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD Almighty. Zech. 4:6


photo by Gary J. Toth

I’m a twin so I’ve not experienced being alone like others have. My twin sister came first and 10 minutes later I followed. I like saying I’m the youngest in the family. When my husband was in a nursing home I witnessed an ugly kind of being alone. I saw first-hand what loneliness looks like. Sometimes even in a group of people you can feel lonely. If you’re feeling alone, my hope is that the following “5 W question words” will remind you of the full scope of God’s loving presence. No matter where you are, HE is near.

WHO?…Lord Jesus WHERE?…right where you are WHEN?…now WHAT?…joy in His presence WHY?…because He loves you and He said so

“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Heb. 13:5

Thinking Overload

I’ve noticed that some TV advertisements flash lots of different scenes quickly across the screen to promote a product. All those pictures flashing one right after the other makes me halfway dizzy. My eyes go into what I’ve heard described as visual overload. The word overload reminds me of how racing thoughts can take us to what I call “thinking overload.” These unsettling times can stir up worry. Tiredness along with “what if” thoughts can quickly take us to thinking overload. If that happens and we feel exhausted and don’t know the next step to take, let’s choose to go to God’s Word for direction. His Word can be a remedy for thinking overload.

photo by Gary J. Toth


“Help!” is what I call a battle cry. A cry for help that ends with a call for Jesus to help is NEVER ignored. The following is my testimony that God hears prayers.

photo by Gary J. Toth

My husband’s battle cry the afternoon he had a brain bleed that caused a massive stroke was simply, “God, help me.” God answered. I watched God orchestrate His help through first responders, the ambulance driver, rush hour traffic, doctors, nurses, immediate family and our church family. My battle cry was, “I need you Jesus. Help me!” Without a doubt, His help was evident. I remember the ER doctor saying, “Mrs. Elmer, your husband needs a neurosurgeon NOW.” I answered, “I don’t know a neurosurgeon.” My pastor put his hand on my shoulder and began to pray. He simply prayed, “God, we need the best neurosurgeon for Carl. We ask this in Jesus’ name.” Upon arriving at another hospital prepared to meet Carl’s need for brain surgery, I was greeted by a nurse who said, “Mrs. Elmer, the best neurosurgeon is on call tonight.” When I heard those words I knew God had heard my prayer for help. Are you lonely, scared or feel like you’re in harm’s way? I encourage you to pray big prayers. God loves to do the impossible, because then people will say, “Only God could do that!”

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

Marked By Him

photo by Gary J. Toth

Here’s a picture of a Rose-Breasted Grosbeak songbird. God’s creative power has put an amazing bright red mark on this bird’s chest . I’ve never seen this bird in person, but I sure love his bright red mark. It makes me think of how God has marked believers with His seal of ownership. I want to think about that each day. The thought of God marking believers with a seal is empowering. Fear not. We can stand firm in Christ…secure, because we belong to Him.

Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. 2 Cor. 1:21-22

Love Deep and Forever

Many waters cannot quench love.
Song of Songs 8:7

We were married a little over 5 years before we had children. We thought maybe we couldn’t have children of our own. We decided to start the adoption process and in the meantime I got pregnant. In less than two years we had 2 boys! Motherhood was not what I expected. Our first son was six weeks premature. Both boys had allergies, tubes in their ears and tonsils removed all at a young age. It was hard working full time with many sleepless nights. I didn’t realize all the self-sacrifices involved in raising children. Even though motherhood requires self-sacrificing love, it’s definitely worth it. God used the experience of having and raising our boys to teach me about love, and to draw me closer to Jesus. I’m thankful that God blessed me with two sons. My love for each one is deep and forever.

Kind Words

photo by Gary J. Toth

My husband was all ready to do some power washing, but we needed some gasoline. I thought I’d hurry to Kroger, get some gas and be back in a flash. I hopped in the car, put it in reverse and out of the garage I came… to the sound of a tremendous crash! I forgot to close the hatchback door! Even though it was an accident, I felt really bad for what I did. My husband was standing right there in the garage when all this happened. He didn’t say a word, but you should’ve seen his face! Long story short, the hatchback door would not close. It was bent out of shape. I did $1,408.67 worth of damage! To keep the hatchback door from popping up and to keep the rain out, my husband taped the door closed by outlining the door with brilliant blue masking tape. While driving to the Collision Center I felt like the whole world knew what I did. Soon after things calmed down my husband cheered me up with these kind words. “It’s just a car. You don’t need to take full responsibility for what happened. We both forgot to close the door.” Those were kind words spoken just at the right time. I can laugh about all this now. But it sure wasn’t funny at the time.

An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up. Proverbs 12:25

We Have Hope!

photo by Gary J. Toth

This year has sure made me stop and think about my future. I have thought about what really counts more than ever before. My health and safety matters for sure, but what really counts is knowing where I will spend eternity. Heaven is a place where there is no more loneliness, lies, cancer, broken relationships or pain. Instead, there’s laughter, health, freedom, singing and peace in God’s presence. Are you prepared to enjoy His presence in the place God has prepared for you? If you’re not, begin by accepting God’s gift of grace. Turn from those things that are displeasing to God. Believe Jesus is who He says He is and trust Jesus as you follow Him. Our future is secure in Him and Him alone. We have hope in Jesus Christ.

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies.” John 11:25

Wonderfully Made

photo by Gary J. Toth

I’ve had a lot of talks with God recently about growing older. I can’t say I’m fond of the process. I personally like this picture. Notice this is an older dandelion. This picture has captured the intricate inner beauty of this older weed. The young dandelion is yellow, but over time as the dandelion gets older it turns white. Sounds like my hair. This exquisite dandelion is a reminder to me that each season of life has a beauty and purpose. I hope you too find encouragement. No matter what season of life you’re in, you have a purpose and are wonderfully made by God.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:13-14