Yes, I met the love of my life at a water fountain at what was called a college mixer. I went to an all-girls college and my husband, Carl went to an all-guys college. So, on Friday nights the girls and guys would meet in a college gym for mixing, music and dancing.
I saw Carl across the gym and thought… he’s cute, I sure wish he would ask me to dance. Years ago, it wasn’t proper for a girl to ask a guy to dance. So, I positioned myself in places that were close to him in hopes that he would ask me to dance. I wasn’t successful and it was getting late. Then, I noticed he kept going to the water fountain to get a drink. I suddenly got thirsty too! As he bent down to get a drink of water, I stood right behind him. I was so close that when he turned around he had no choice but to say something. It worked! He asked me to dance. When the mixer was over he walked me to my car and asked me for my phone number. Three years later we were married and had our wedding reception at the college where we fell in love – at the water fountain.
“So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.” Matt. 19:6