The Dance

photo by Gary J. Toth

Before my husband’s stroke we used to dance. After his stroke we thought our dancing days were over. Walking and balance was (and still is) the priority. We recently went to a fundraiser dinner/concert and there was a dance floor! When the music started, to my surprise my husband said, “Let’s dance.” Sooo, we found a small space on the dance floor and with his cane and leg brace on, we danced! As we held on to each other I’ll never forget that frozen smile on my husband’s face. As we cautiously danced I remember thinking…only God could bring us to this refreshing moment.

You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy. Psalm 30:11

The Way

photo by Gary J. Toth

Fortunately we have the inspired Word of God, along with accounts of eyewitnesses who saw Jesus, walked with Him, and followed Him to answer the question—Who is Jesus?

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

Bad Hair Day!

photo by Gary J. Toth

When I look at this picture I have to laugh. It reminds me of my hair. Some mornings I feel like my hair looks like this. As I’ve grown older my hair is doing strange things, like being frizzy, dry and bushy. Even my young grandson said, “Nana you got fuzzy hair.” Growing older is a challenge for me. I don’t look the same as I did in my youth. I’ve talked to Jesus a lot about my hair. Many times I’ve expressed how important hair is to me. But God continues to remind me in His Word what’s MOST important.

“Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Sam. 16:7

The Pool Party

photo by Gary J. Toth

These birds look like they’re having fun at a pool party. I wonder if summertime is their favorite time of the year? It’s mine. I like the warmer weather and lighter-longer days. I never learned to swim, but I sure like gathering around the pool for food and fun. Fall has a lot to behold with all the beautiful colors, and Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Winter is not my most-liked season. Although as a teacher, I remember those glorious, snowy mornings I woke up to the announcement—“SCHOOL IS CLOSED TODAY.” And then comes Spring…flowers, alive, green, Spring! God is certainly not boring. The beauty and uniqueness of each season testifies to the love and creativity of God. And to think these seasons are only a faint glimpse of what God has in store for us.

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.” 1 Cor. 2:9

HE Sings!

photo by Gary J. Toth

“The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” Zep.3:17

I can’t get over that God sings! And to think He sings over me and you is breathtaking. I’m convinced that one day all those who have placed their faith in Jesus, the One True God, will hear Him sing. Wow! We have lots to look forward to.

God Still Has It

photo by Gary J. Toth

When I was a young girl I lived in the country on a farm in Indiana. I have good memories about those days, as well as some bad memories. I remember how free I felt laying in the grass and looking up at the clouds. With my imagination and the formation of the clouds, I saw the shapes of all kinds of animals in the sky. But a not so good memory was that dark, stormy afternoon the tornado came through. I was so afraid. Lightning struck our chimney and the doors of the barn blew off. Some people lost a lot more from that tornado. There’s no easy answer to why things happen the way they do in this broken world. But one thing for sure… in tragedy and suffering, God’s love for you doesn’t run out. His love is constant and He will not leave you. He will hold your hand and walk step by step with you through the tough times. God still has it. We can trust Him even if we don’t understand.

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9

Rise Up!

Photo by Gary J. Toth

Have you ever felt like you’re in a battle? I mean, where you find yourself struggling, and your battle cry might sound something like… “The emotional pain is too deep and my strength is fading.” Or, “I’m afraid and this is taking too long.” Or, “Why is this happening?None of us are exempt from suffering. Jesus understands the suffering that ignites the battle cry. He cares about our emotional, mental, and physical well-being. A battle cry that ends with a call for Jesus to help is never ignored. He hears your battle cry. Jesus is our Warrior King that enables us to walk by faith and rise up!

Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. Psalm 24:8

God’s Sense of Humor

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Gen. 1:31

photo by Gary J. Toth

I believe God has a sense of humor. When I look at how God created animals I have to laugh. I’m convinced He deliberately made them for our delight. And our delight in God’s creation honors Him. I bet Jesus laughed with His disciples. I feel sure His sense of humor was evident while eating with friends and at weddings too. I expect you could hear some laughing when Jesus was with the children; and those fishing moments are bound to have brought some laughter.

Twists and Turns

photo by Gary J. Toth

I don’t like those rides in amusement parks that turns you upside down or spins you around and around. The twisting and turning makes me dizzy and sick on my stomach. That’s no fun! Sometimes life unexpectedly takes us twisting and turning. That’s no fun either! My husband’s stroke, our car accident, job changes and moving are examples of some twists and turns in my life. Jesus even encouraged us about the twists and turns in life. He said…“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 God understands all about trouble. He speaks encouragement in His Word because He knows how easy it is for us to spin into anxiety and fear. God reminds us to cheer up and rest in His assurance that comfort, guidance and victory is ours through a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. We can trust God’s Word.

Beautiful Feet

photo by Austin Elmer

I love this picture of my son’s feet and the sun coming up to start a new day. When I first saw this picture I thought of how rewarding and yet challenging it is to answer God’s call to follow Him.

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:15