I’m definitely on God’s potter’s wheel. I’m a work in progress as God trims and shapes my life. I feel like He is stretching me to a deeper level of trusting Him. You’re invited to visit my blog as I share my journey of the heart through Jesus.
My life changed drastically in a matter of minutes when my husband had a brain bleed that caused a massive stroke. He is recovering and able to make beautiful bowls on the potter’s wheel using only one hand! I call him my miracle man and I have the privilege of caring for him.
My husband and I have an outreach ministry known as the “Potter’s Message.” Using a potter’s wheel and clay, we demonstrate how the clay can be compared to our lives in the hands of God, the Master Potter. The message is about God’s grace and His transforming power.
Writing in my journal, listening to music, being in a Bible study, looking at the ocean and eating popcorn are some of my favorite things to do. I treasure God’s Word, family and prayer. I’m passionate about my Jesus. He is my Joy-Giver and Prince of Peace. Journaling is my time of fellowship with my Jesus. I’ve authored three books. The first book is about prayer, the second book is about the power of praising God, and the third book is about the unexplainable peace knowing the truth from God’s perspective.
I received an elementary education degree from Spalding University in Louisville, Kentucky. I taught elementary school for thirty years, during which I served as a writing resource instructor for several years. We have two married sons, daughters-in-law and five amazing grandchildren!