I love the sound of handbells and decided to give the bells a try by joining the handbell choir at our church. Keep in mind, I don’t read music and I have no musical background.

My fellow bell ringers were very kind and patient with me. Needless to say the songs got harder and harder. I quickly found out that counting to four and color coding my musical notes was not enough. Proof that I was in way over my head was that Sunday morning worship service when I was ringing those bells and on the wrong song! I was intensely embarrassed. I wanted to quit so badly, but God reminded me that “It’s not about your performance.” I continued making music in the handbell choir for a few more months until I sensed the Lord saying, “You can stop now.” It was a hallelujah moment!
“Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7