This picture of me, my twin sister, older sister and brother always makes me smile. Some of my happy memories are: riding my bike, roller skating, Christmas Eve and Sunday dinners. Then there’s not-so-happy memories like: the tornado, mother stressed, death of my stepfather and lots and lots of work. Regardless of my past memories whether happy or not-so-happy, I can now look back and see the fingerprints of God’s steadfast faithfulness and His overruling plan. I now see that God was with me even in the times I couldn’t see or feel His faithfulness. Can you recall some past memories where you can now say…For the LORD is good and his loves endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:5
I have always loved thst song, but never related it to childhood memories. Now as I think back to those days I can see how He was always faithful during those troubled times of emotional and financial trials. My sisters and I always had what we needed and lots of Motherly love. I grew up hearing mom say “ Hold on to your faith because God is holding on to you”’
To this day I can still be reminded to keep the faith because I know God’s words are true and Mom sure knew GOD’S truth also. Renewing a memory and the song GREAT IS HIS FAITHFULNESS helps me to have greater faith and for this I am
thankful., 🐶🇺🇸💝
When we can look back at our past and recognize that God was there during those very hard times and, in fact, that God had carried us through difficulties that we know we were not capable of handling alone, there comes a feeling of safety, of warmth, of openness to face the future. The words of Jesus come to mind, “Fear is useless. What is needed is trust.”
O.K. I’m guessing that the little girl on the right is you. I can hear you singing this song as you typed it into your blog. Thank you for the constant reminder that He is always with us. I love you so much! See you soon….Great is Thy faithfulness no doubt…
Yes, I’m definitely smiling! What a precious picture and beautiful reminder of God’s faithfulness!