Using a potter’s wheel and a lump of clay, God called my husband and I to compare how clay in the hands of the potter can be compared to our lives in the hands of God, our Master Potter. The very first time we gave this message was in prison! I was scared. So with a Sharpie pen we decided to write notes on the potter’s wheel so we wouldn’t forget what to say. Well…as my husband poured some water on the clay in order to shape and mold it, our notes were washed away! God gave us a situation where we had to rely on Him and trust that He would give us the words. Standing with no notes, in front of many, and in prison, we quickly realized that God was the One in control. Not us. In these uncertain times do you fear the future? If so, I get that. What helps me when I get scared is to stop and praise God for who He is. Then just like the clay that needs water to be transformed, I need to ask Jesus to wash away my fear. Calmness comes when I remember that I can rely on Jesus and trust Him. The Bible tells us that nothing is outside of God’s control. Knowing that brings true peace.
“I know you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted.” Job 42:2
I never knew you had put a cheat sheet on your wheel !!! I love that. We as the audience ALWAYS knew your message was from God through you!!! Such a wonderful message you two have!!! thanks for the reminder we are still being molded!!!
Judy, This was a very inspiring message. Thank you.
Knowing God is in control and accepting it can be tough sometimes. He knows the future we cannot see. Not knowing what is ahead is scary, trust takes time and lots of growing pains. Loved your example of him showing you he had it in his hands as you stood in front of a large group stripped “naked”of your props and reassurance of you being in control. Hugs