My husband named this post. He said the squirrel’s expression reminded him of how he felt when the Lord called him to use a potter’s wheel and a lump of clay to tell people about God’s grace and transforming power. He had never before worked with clay. His immediate response was, “I can’t. Surely not me!” But after a lot of prayer and encouragement he answered God’s call and asked me to come along side of him and help. In 1997 this outreach ministry called the Potter’s Message began and still continues today. In 2013 my husband had a brain bleed that caused a massive stroke that affected the right side of his body. He was right handed, but now he uses his left hand for everything. God has enabled him to make a vessel on the potter’s wheel using only one hand! Is God asking you to do something way out of your comfort zone? Maybe you’re feeling you can’t and that someone else could do better. My hope is to assure you that these words are true… Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD Almighty. Zech. 4:6
“Not by might, not by power but by my Spirit, says the Lord.”
We sing that song at Epiphany sometimes. I love the power of the truth behind those words.
The first time I heard it, it brought tears to my eyes.
Thanks for sharing those words here.