Waiting is not always easy. In my younger years whenever I had to WAIT for something like a doctor’s serious report or even anticipating good news, I would find myself shifting to a higher speed and start cleaning the house! These days my house is proof I’m somewhat better about waiting. But I still have a way to go. I like to keep moving and for things to come together, especially if I’m seeking guidance from the Lord. Sometimes when I pray and ask for guidance and the answer doesn’t come right away, I can move too quickly on my part. I need to take heart and slow down and wait for the Lord. Do you find yourself sometimes doing this too?
Judy, you are so right as we live in a time and culture where everything seems to happen immediately . We certainly expect an immediate response. Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. It may be just waiting for the water to get hot, or for the car in front of me to move or even to wait for the doctor’s response. In the future I hope to wait patiently with prayer and a smile.