This is Luna. You can tell from the picture that Luna willingly let my granddaughter, Linley dress her in this scarf. The fact that Luna allowed all this shows how much she loves and trusts Linley. Luna even stood still for a glamour shot! Luna made me think of how submission is inspired by love to do whatever it takes. That’s love in action! Let’s not forget how Jesus willingly died on the cross for our sins. His willingness to do whatever it takes was inspired by His love for us with perfect submission to the will of the Father.
Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Eph. 5:21
“ submission inspired by love“ can be seen many times in our lives…..
—when a mother is cooking someone’s favorite food
—taking a dog outside when it’s cold
— writing a note when it’s late
Thanks for reminding me that submission is a decision based on our love for another !!!. And the greatest decision ever made was the willing decision of God to allow His son to submit to giving up His life for those He loved and Jesus knew they were sinners and Jesus followed the Will of His father .