This time of the year with the cold weather and possible icy conditions makes me think of one of my most embarrassing moments. This happened on a cold and icy Sunday morning a long time ago before Carl and I were married. Church was over and lots of people were exiting the church at the same time. As I lovingly held on to Carl’s arm coming out of church my foot hit a patch of ice, my purse took a spin, and my coat seemed to shrink showing more of my legs. Before I knew it I was down on the icy sidewalk with Carl sitting right beside me. The next thing I heard was Carl’s words, “You pulled me down!” I didn’t know I was strong enough to pull a 6’x4″ 195 lb. guy to the ground! We both were so embarrassed as people helped us up. We can laugh about this now, but at the time there was no laughing. Over the years we’ve discovered that a sense of humor is a blessing. We’ve learned that finding a reason to laugh has helped us through some not so funny times.
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Prov. 17:22