
You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy.” John 16:20

Our two boys loved my husband’s mother. She bought them just about every Star Wars toy, took them to McDonald’s and gave them as many cookies and orange candy slices they wanted. The boys were 5 and 7 years old when she died. She lived with us a short time before she passed away. Both boys were upset and angry over the loss of their Grandmommy. Our oldest son was upset because he couldn’t understand why Grandmommy wasn’t calling him from heaven. His understanding was that you could have anything you wanted in heaven and surely she wanted to call and talk to him. Our youngest son was just plain angry with God for taking his Grandmommy away. One day while in the car he placed his tongue between his lips and gave God raspberries from the car window! A dear friend reminded me that God understands his feelings and that anger oftentimes is part of the grieving process. She encouraged me to pray, relax, and give the boys time to grieve. Thank goodness they didn’t get stuck in the anger. Over time they were both able to enjoy their precious memories of the great times they had with the Grandmommy they loved.

2 Replies to “Raspberries!”

  1. Beautiful! I love it that the deer is giving raspberries too.
    We’re all in this together; little boys, deer, big boys and girls too. Sometimes we get upset. That’s OK, God can take it.

  2. Oh my goodness…how sweet they look. I can totally understand that feeling of loss. I was pregnant with Delaney when my MeMe died and was so sad that Delaney would not get to meet her, but my faith reminds me that Delaney will get to meet her one day and my MeMe will be full and healthy. It is true, through our tears we remember the laughter and rejoice.

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