“Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand…” Jer. 18:6

I like “do-overs.” I remember as a child playing kickball and when I messed up I’d beg for a chance to kick over again…a redo. We don’t have to beg God for a “do-over.” His grace covers all the redoing. God doesn’t keep score either. He’s willing to remake as many times as needed. He knows how hard change can be. In order for a lump of clay to become the masterpiece it was meant to be, it has to go through firings in the kiln. In the heat of the kiln is where the clay is being renewed into a stronger vessel. Do you feel like God has turned the heat up in your life? Be encouraged. Our faith can be strengthened and renewed with the right attitude and our focus on Jesus. God is in the business of giving fresh starts. Our Master Potter is willing to lovingly redo, remake and renew anytime, all the time.
Thank you