As a caregiver I’m often asked the question, “How are YOU doing?” I used to answer, “I’m hanging in there,” until my pastor overheard my answer. He encouraged me to respond to that question by saying, “I’m standing firm.” He added, “We can’t hang on in our own strength. We’ll end up letting go and falling, but with God we can stand firm.” He’s right. Strength comes when I choose to roll worries over onto Jesus’ shoulders. The Lord is teaching me the importance of daily taking my position of standing firm on His promises no matter how hard things get. Choosing to stand firm on the truth of God’s Word and not our feelings, can keep us upright when the walk is hard. If you feel you’re just hanging in there…cling to Jesus, Our Rock and Our Stronghold. That’s the position to take, because “with God we can stand firm.”
He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. Psalm 40:2
Judy, this particular message really spoke to me – I’m standing firm. I wish someone had passed that on to me during my days as a caregiver. Just repeating those words gives a person inner strength.
I remember when Mike preached about standing firm. It is indeed the best place to be!
We saw a rainbow yesterday when we were at John and Diane’s. I thought God keeps His promises.
I need to remember this when people ask about me and Mel.
Again, thank you so much.