Kind Words

photo by Gary J. Toth

My husband was all ready to do some power washing, but we needed some gasoline. I thought I’d hurry to Kroger, get some gas and be back in a flash. I hopped in the car, put it in reverse and out of the garage I came… to the sound of a tremendous crash! I forgot to close the hatchback door! Even though it was an accident, I felt really bad for what I did. My husband was standing right there in the garage when all this happened. He didn’t say a word, but you should’ve seen his face! Long story short, the hatchback door would not close. It was bent out of shape. I did $1,408.67 worth of damage! To keep the hatchback door from popping up and to keep the rain out, my husband taped the door closed by outlining the door with brilliant blue masking tape. While driving to the Collision Center I felt like the whole world knew what I did. Soon after things calmed down my husband cheered me up with these kind words. “It’s just a car. You don’t need to take full responsibility for what happened. We both forgot to close the door.” Those were kind words spoken just at the right time. I can laugh about all this now. But it sure wasn’t funny at the time.

An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up. Proverbs 12:25

2 Replies to “Kind Words”

  1. Oh, this brought tears to my eyes. I can hear my sweet husband saying the same thing…Love me some Carl…and Judy!!!! So kind….

  2. I’m so glad you shared this event with us, Those kind words are amazing….. I’ll try to remember them the next time I’m frustrated with someone.

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