Roller Skates for Christmas

When I was a little girl we lived in a house with a great big front living room with hardwood flooring. Our huge Christmas tree was in that room. I was so excited to get my very own roller skates for Christmas. I decided to try them out in that big front living room. I found out quickly that skating on hardwood floors was like skating on ice. I got going too fast and fell right into the Christmas tree! As I laid on the floor with the Christmas tree on top of me I remember thinking…I’m in BIG trouble. With the sound of breaking ornaments, the smell of pine, and lights all around me, I heard my sister yelling…”Mother! Judy fell in the Christmas tree!” The story goes that Mother came so quickly that she stepped right over the coffee table in front of where she was sitting. With one big sweep of my Mother’s hand she grab that tree and sat it upright. After Mother checked my pine needle scrapes and saw the fear on my face she extended grace. I thought for sure I would be punished or fussed at, but instead, grace was given. Mother was not mad and seemed to understand my excitement over my brand new skates. This childhood experience reminds me of how gracious God is toward all of us.

The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. Psalm 103:8

3 Replies to “Roller Skates for Christmas”

  1. I love this story and the way you compared it to the Grace of Jesus. If we all thought of our experiences through the eyes of Jesus trying to make a point with us, we would have a much less stress.

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