I love to hear stories over and over again about my Daddy. He passed away when I was two years old. My only memories I have of him is what others have said about him. I really never knew him. He must have been pretty special because when others describe him it’s all been super good. Here’s a story about Daddy that always makes me smile.
“Get the smelling salts. Find a chair. Sit him down.” These were the words echoed when Daddy was told he was the Father of twin girls! Back then there were no ultrasounds to prepare Daddy for me and my twin sister. We were a big surprise! My older sister and brother, and now twin girls, made Daddy surprisingly the Father of four children instead of two. I sure understand why Daddy almost fainted.
Hi Judy,
Enjoy your postings and have a question about the twins. Which one is you? Keep up the good work.
Joe and Brenda Barber
We love the twins!!!